I had no intention of taking pictures today because usually one of the kids ends up crying and I end up frustrated and sweaty without even getting what I think is "the perfect picture." But today Aiden asked me to take a picture with Harlow and he promised me he would smile this time. I tried to take some pictures last week and Aiden was the one who ended up crying when I took him out of the pictures because he wouldn't even look at the camera. So after Aiden made his plea for a picture I quickly grabbed the camera in hopes of getting a quick perfect picture to start out our day. I think he did pretty good, he couldn't hold Harlow very still but I was happy with these because I could feel the love between the two of them.
Aiden is so helpful during the day with Harlow, I often call on him to sing to her when I am busy making dinner or I ask for him to hand her a toy when I am trying to get ready in the morning. Harlow of course lights up when she sees either Paige or Aiden, I look forward to watching her play her big sister and brother when she gets a little bigger.
*Harlow's sweet outfit is by my favorite clothing brand
eden's bouquet and headband by the super talented
Mia Joie
I hope to get back on my Blog and share more with you all this weekend so stay tuned.