Well we had another fun filled week around here. On Monday, I took Aiden to Build-A-Bear with some friends so he could make an animal for one of the Star Wars costumes they carry. He chose the Camo Bear, dressed it in the Darth Vader costume and named it the obvious choice of Darth Vader.
I figured it would be another furry friend and a decoration for his new Star Wars themed room. He has been sleeping with Vader and pushing him around in the blue stroller since he made him so he has quickly become a favorite toy. Jon is still doing the touch-up work on the painting in his room and we are still waiting on his dresser but after we get it all put together I will share pictures of his new Star Wars themed big boy room.
Giving his bear some love...oh yes, don't mind the PINK Hello Kitty watch, he insisted on wearing it after his sister had worn it for a few days.

Giving his bear a bath

Lovin' some 1/1 time with my little man

His new best friend Darth Vader

Aiden with his buddies Hudson and Preston who also made some Star Wars friends

Paige had a Thanksgiving performance at school on Tuesday night. She was the sweetest little Pilgrim (she told me today she also made an Indian costume.) I got back her school pictures and was so relieved that they were picture perfect. I will get them in the mail to you all in a few days.
"Turkey Turkey, Gobble Gobble, Ate Too Much And Wobble Wobble"

Just after the performance with the turkey and her teacher Mrs. Khan

Doesn't she make for the cutest Pilgrim?!

Paige with her friend Jacqueline, just precious together!

Kidergarten 10/2009

Jon and I found the perfect swingset for the kids' Christmas present. I didn't want to bring a ton of toys into the house and knew it would be the best thing we could spend our money on with 3 kids and an empty backyard. Now we just have to figure out how to make the magic happen (Jon and a friend plan on putting it together as the delivery/set-up cost was over $600+ for them to do it...eek!) and get it up without the kids seeing it for Christmas morning.
I am buying each of the kids a few things though (of course Harlow needs some baby girl toys since she won't be jumping on that playset quite yet) on their wish list, since with winter around the corner it will be a couple of months before they will get to take full advantage of the swingset.
I am really looking forward to next week, Paige is off of school all week for the holiday and I have some really fun events planned for the kids.
You are an amazing mom!!!! I want to be you when I grow up! LOL
You are making fabulous memories for your kids....
You have the cutest kiddos! Don't you just love Build a Bear?! It makes them so happy. I love seeing that happy face!
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